Shadow Theatre 30th Anniversary Banner


Our Vision

Our VISION is to produce inspirational, thoughtful and entertaining contemporary theatre from around the world where ‘story’ is paramount.

Our PASSION is to present plays which pierce the complexities of the human experience. A Shadow Theatre production hits our audience’s hearts while simultaneously opening their minds.

We do this within a context of inclusion, opportunity and engagement, for young artists, accomplished veterans, and audiences of today and tomorrow.

Land Acknowledgement

We wish to acknowledge that Shadow Theatre operates on land which is on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting ground for many indigenous people including: Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Nakota Sioux, Blackfoot, as well as the Metis and Inuit. It is a welcoming place for all people who come from around the world to share Amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton) as a home. Together we call upon all of our collective honoured traditions and spirits to work in building a great city for today and future generations. Shadow Theatre is proud to carry on with the storytelling traditions that go back millennia on this territory.

Diversity Statement

Shadow Theatre believes the lives of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour matter. We support and honour the people who are fighting for inclusion, respect and justice here in Edmonton on Treaty 6 territory, in Canada, and around the world.

As a company we are well aware of our historical shortcomings in regard to representation for BIPOC throughout the company; we are working to change that. We have committed to greater diversity in our board members, in our hiring, and in amplifying the stories of those underrepresented and marginalized, through our performances and art. We want our board, staff and our shows to be a depiction of the diverse Canada we see all around us. We are watching, listening and learning.

Shadow Staff

Shadow Theatre Board

  • President - Catherine Keill

  • Vice-President - Donal O'Beirne

  • Past President - Donal O'Beirne

  • Treasurer - Roshni Parhar

  • Secretary - Shannon Leblanc


    • Karen Fox

    • Janet Wright

    • Dawn Poskocil

    • Larry Sarabin

    • Owais Siddiqui

Honorary Directors

  • John B. Lowe

  • Wenona Irving

Artistic Associates

  • Coarlie Cairns

  • John Sproule

  • Glenn Nelson

  • Reed McColm

To contact anyone on the board please email